The Kiss
Advice for the Aspiring Romance Novelist
That perfect, delightful, incredible kiss
The hero first gives the impetuous miss,
That shakes her and melts her right down to her core,
And leaves her with longing to do so much more,
Where tongues touch each other as if in a dance,
Is crucial when writing successful romance.
The hero can clasp her with fervent desire,
To overcome scruples and fan inner fire.
Or sometimes the kiss is deliciously sweet,
And, tasting each other, they long to complete
The joining of spirits and bodily parts.
For ladies, the kiss is the key to their hearts.
The man may declare he will never be wed,
And kisses the girl just to lead her to bed.
But once they engage in that oscular bliss,
He’s captured at last by the lure of her kiss.
So if you intend to write passionate prose,
Please master the kiss and use plenty of those.